Mother's Day is a day to celebrate, creation, creativity and the feminine divine. In this workshop we will do an hour long, all levels yoga practice, creating beautiful poses together. We will spend some time reflecting on what it means to be a creative person (even if children are not what you have chosen to create in your own life). Then Rachel will hand paint a beautiful mehndi body art design on you, an outward reflection of the inner beauty of the feminine divine that lives inside each of us.
Mehndi is the oldest form of body art still in existence today. A paste containing a plant-based dye
created from the
henna tree (also known as Egyptian privet, and mignonette tree) is used to decorate the body with a temporary tattoo that lasts 1 - 2 weeks. Email Rachel with questions:
[email protected]
Although it is rare, henna can stain clothing it comes in contact with so you may want to dress in dark colors or wear clothes you don't care about getting stained.
If you are want to register two people, make a duplicate reservation under your name.
$55 per person